Sunday, January 11, 2015

Just A Quick Update


How is everyone's flock doing? This winter weather has certainly been a doosey for us. The large fowl chickens have been staying toasty in the coop and hay shed, and the bantams have stayed even warmer in the feed room at night. One night the temps dropped down to 5 here! That is crazy for central Arkansas! Today we had quite a bit of freezing rain and a little bit of snow, but nothing too bad.

I do start another semester tomorrow, and I most certainly am not excited. I am pretty sure the chickens aren't either. Class means less treats for them! XD
Hopefully I will be able to take just as many pictures and blog just as much though. Is anyone else starting school tomorrow?

During the very cold spell we had, our power went out during the night. It was terribly cold in the house, which wouldn't have been too bad, except for the fact that the eggs in the incubator didn't have power or heat for a good while. I rushed them to my fiance's house and finally got the incubator warmed back up, but I'm still unsure of how many damage was done. Hopefully it is minimal. Today is day 15. I candled yesterday and it seemed like they were still developing. Only 3 more days until lockdown and I am on edge. The air here has been so dry I am a bit unsure of how I am going to keep the humidity as high as it needs to be for hatch. Fingers crossed I can handle it. I'm going to use sponges and maybe some damp paper towels. I may look into adding a humidifier to the room, but I am unsure about that so far. Hopefully it all works out okay. Is anyone else getting ready for a hatch? This will be my first, and I am incredibly nervous.

I hope everyone's flock stays warm, healthy, and happy :)

-Poultry Princess

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